How to approach a sugar mummy in real life and online | My Toto Lover


Wednesday 10 January 2018

How to approach a sugar mummy in real life and online

How can i approach a sugar mummy when I see her? See the guide here.
There are sugar mummies everywhere but the problem is that you may not know how to approach and get them in first attempt. However, this guide will help you.

How to Approach Sugar Mummy in Real Life

Image result for beautiful nigerian girl

1. Walk closer to her
2. Tell her Hi Maam, can I help you with anything? Like her luggage?
3. Tell her, you look very smart maam, most sugar mummy likes to hear that
4. Tell her, I will like to be your close friend – don’t be shy
5. Tell her, You will be a very good close confidant to her – be bold enough
How to Approach Sugar Mummy through Online Chat

Apart from real time metting, you can connect with rich sugar mummy through online chat like facebook, WhatsApp, BBm, or 2Go.

1. Greet her – Hi
2. Tell her you find her profile very attractive – I love your profile photos
3. Tell her you will like to meet her physically – Please maam, can we possibly meet outside facebook?
4. Tell her you will be her closed confidant
5. Tell her, she will not regret meeting you.

After tell her all these things, she will smile at you and concede your advances if she is a sugar mummy.

How to impress a sugar mummy

There are few thing you must do to make your sugar mummy to be extremely happy about you.

1. Learn what she likes and do them
2. Tell her stories (fake or true)
3. Send her text messages telling how you love her
4. Satisfy her in bed as many times as she wants
5. Take selfie with her to show that you cherish her
6. Dress well
7. Show good manners
8. Show respects
9. Be fun, loving and caring
10. Give her some gift items. Women love gifts no matter how small.

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